10 Ways to Give Mother’s Day Gifts on a Budget

In our house, I’m the person that hates spending money, especially on Mother’s Day gifts. Don’t get me wrong, I love it when my husband is thoughtful and brings me home a surprise cup of fancy coffee or flowers, but in the back of my mind I’m always wondering how much did this cost? So, I’m the mom that appreciates the free gifts even more so than the ones that were paid for. If you find yourself on a budget this Mother’s Day, here are 10 gift ideas for moms like me that truly enjoy a break from spending.

1. Mother’s Day Breakfast in Bed

We see it in the movies all the time, but how many moms actually get breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day? It’s a classic gift that costs nothing more than time and the food you already had in your cabinets. If you’re lacking any kind of skill in the kitchen and are unable to make pancakes or eggs, trust me when I say that Mom will love coffee and cereal or toast just as much. As far as Mother’s Day gifts go, this one is tried and true. Just be sure to clean up any mess in the kitchen!

Pecan cheesecake muffins
I would never argue with some muffins in bed. If you are even remotely decent in the kitchen, muffins are easy!

2. Alone Time on Mother’s Day

A mom doesn’t necessarily need the whole day off as mom on Mother’s Day, but an hour or two alone is a dream come true. Let her read a book in silence, go for a walk or jog, or just let her do something she hasn’t had the time to do. Personally, I hope to be able to get a haircut as a Mother’s Day gift – it’s been 2 years!

3. Bubble Bath

There is little that I would love more than 30 minutes to myself to drop a bath bomb in the tub and soak. Luckily, I have a couple of bath bombs, but if you don’t, they only cost a few dollars. Gift her the bath bomb or some bubble bath, light a few candles in the bath, and a locked door for a memorable and perfect Mother’s Day gift.

4. Mother’s Day Dinner

In my house, I cook every meal. My husband doesn’t know how to make anything other than frozen pizza, and my kids are too young to do anything in the kitchen without constant guidance. Having said that, if we don’t have the money to eat out for Mother’s Day, I would be 100% okay with frozen pizza. Maybe my husband could even figure out how to do frozen lasagna – I’m not picky. The gift here is saving me the trouble of cooking and cleanup.

5. Sleep In

If there is one thing I miss about my pre-kids life was the ability to wake up on my own time. I am very lucky that my kids sleep in, but there are a lot of moms out there that are constantly up with the sun or shortly thereafter. So, let mom sleep in on Mother’s Day. It is a real gift to let her wake up when her body wants her to. For some moms that might be 9 am, others 11 or 12, but nonetheless, it is an appreciated thing when Mom gets those extra z’s.

Daddy Daughter Awake Mother's Day
Let Daddy get up with the baby so Mommy can get some sleep!

6. Do Chores

There is nothing better than a husband and kids doing the dishes and folding the laundry. What is Mom’s least favorite thing to do? Mine is definitely laundry. If my husband were to do one or two loads of laundry – the complete cycle, folding, and putting away – I would be in Mother’s Day Heaven. It is a stay at home mom’s dream to get a break on chores once in a while.

7. Family Picnic as Mother’s Day Gift

Make up some sandwiches, bag some chips or fruit, add a few bottles of water or juice pouches, and take it to the park for a family picnic. You might even have a picnic in your own back yard! If the weather permits, this would not only be a great Mother’s Day gift for Mom, but it would make memories for years to come.

8. Let Mom Pick What’s on the TV

I don’t know if it’s true in other families, but for mine, I rarely get to pick what is on the TV. Whether we’re watching a television show or a movie, chances are, I didn’t pick it. It isn’t something that bothers me, as I am usually up and down throughout the show fixing dinner, changing diapers, or switching laundry to the dryer. It would be nice to watch one of my shows (American Housewife – hilarious!) during the day and not wait until I’m exhausted and everyone else is in bed.

There’s usually an Xbox game on our TV.

9. Handmade Mother’s Day Cards or Crafts

Trust me when I say that moms cherish handmade things from their children. It might be a card, a painting, or simply a colored picture, but whatever it is, she will love it. My babies are too young for anything really crafty, but even scribbles on a piece of paper would hang on my fridge for quite some time.

10. Family Photo

These days, you can get 4×6 photos printed for pennies. A frame can be purchased for a few dollars. Just one picture of my babies would be more than enough to bring tears to my eyes on Mother’s Day. There’s nothing like having a gift that you can keep forever to remind you of how small they once were. Or, if your children are adults, a photo will remind Mom of the wonderful humans that she raised. When it comes to Mother’s Day gifts, a picture will always please Mom.

If this were to be framed for a Mother’s Day gift, I definitely wouldn’t be upset. They are too sweet!

I understand the struggle to get Mom a meaningful gift when money is tight. But the best gifts aren’t always purchased. They say that it is the thought that counts, but in this case, Mom will appreciate the thought and will truly love the gift.

Are there inexpensive or budget-friendly Mother’s Day gifts that you have given your own mom? Tell me about it in the comments!

24 thoughts on “10 Ways to Give Mother’s Day Gifts on a Budget”

  1. what a great list. I have done the cooking and crafts but this mother’s day, I wrote a tribute celebrating my mum and telling her exactly what I feel. I’m glad I did, I hope she likes it when I give her the link to the blog post.

  2. Aw! These were great ideas! I’ve made it a tradition that every year I take my mom for a mani/pedi (whatever she wants done at the nail salon) we have a nail place we go to and the owner Ken is HILARIOUS and we always have a great time 🙂

  3. A great list with so many suggestions for those on a budget! Too bad most of these would not work in my family. Growing up in an Indian household, she expects most of these things (i.e. chores, letting her choose the show, etc) on a daily basis not just one day. I guess I just have to get extra creative :p
    But great post!

    1. When my kiddos get older they will definitely be doing chores! But a little creativity can help with a great mother’s day gift!

  4. Awesome ideas. I especially love the sleeping in one!!! Oh and the family picnic. Fun fact about me… I share mother’s day with both my husband and my sons birthday’s. It’s probably the best thing ever said me Never. Lol. Hopefully they won’t forget about me this year. 🙃

  5. That’s very true! You don’t always have to buy gifts on such occasions. Spending quality time that’s genuinely from the heart, is a great way to celebrate.

    1. Yes! Before motherhood, I failed to see this. I wish I’d done the breakfast in bed or something for my own mom while I still lived with her.

  6. Since I had drill weekend last weekend, we always have a rule that I get to do what I want the weekend after. So it’s cool that it just so happens to be Mother’s Day weekend

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