About Me

Hi! I’m Kristy Speciale, a 30 year old Christian mama and wife. I’m also a doctoral student studying business leadership, a freelance writer, and a blogger.

I opted not to return to work after the birth of my second child and decided to take the hard route to an at home income. In looking into mom blogs and other lifestyle blogs, I found that I am sorely lacking in the awesomeness that these moms exude from their pages. So, in being completely transparent, here’s the God’s honest truth:

I am far from perfect. My relationship with the Lord is a constant, but only because He is the consistent one. I have been known to nag my husband from time to time. I find myself to be a yelling mom when I lose my cool. It is rare to see my kitchen counters clutter-free and there are always cobwebs in my corners. My kids eat sugary snacks, occasionally watch TV, and have seen me pay more attention to my phone than them every once in a while.

Having said this, I love my life. I have been blessed with a loving husband that cherishes his children. I have three beautiful babies that I love more than my own life. I laugh often and feel joy more than any other emotion on any given day. I strive to be better – to do better.

If you also want to do better, follow along with me on this journey. Learn about what I’ve learned through my experiences in life, parenting, and education. I’m no expert on life, but I definitely live a Speciale one.

“In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” -Proverbs 3:6