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5 Reasons to NOT Start a Lifestyle Blog

Like most bloggers, I starting off by going back and forth on the idea of even starting a blog. If you’re not one of those people and you just jumped right in, I’m giving you serious props! For me, there were a number of reasons why it was a terrible idea, but then there are reasons it could work out for me. Being that this is my very first post, that has yet to be confirmed! So, let’s start with those voices in the back of my mind telling me NOT to start a blog.

  1. Time. This is most definitely the biggest reason I’ve hesitated starting a blog. As Mommy to a 2 year old and a newborn, time is often sparse! How am I supposed to find the time to run a website and write quality content for it when I’ve got a full time job, a house to clean, and a family to care for?
  2. Voice. Do I really have something to say that wants to be heard? Even if I do, is there enough to say for an entire blog? What is there to say that hasn’t already been said? Finding a unique voice is harder than finding a voice at all.
  3. Cost. From everything that I have read about starting a blog, one that’s worthwhile requires some start up money. Right now, while I’m on maternity leave and money is tighter than usual, even the smallest amount is more than I should gamble with.
  4. No guaranteed profit. I am in shock at the things I have read about using a blog as a business. Is it really possible to turn a decent profit from something like this? More importantly, can I?
  5. Sometimes I am an introvert. I have no problem with strangers reading something I (a stranger to them) wrote. But it’s weird for me to think that people I know could read it. Maybe that’s weird, but that’s me!
There is a lot of work that goes into a blog!

So there’s 5 solid reasons for me to not go forward with this. But, as you can see, I’ve decided to ignore the little voice in my head and go for it. With 5 reasons to NOT start a blog, I’ve got 6 reasons to start one.

  1. I’m always reading a blog post in which I have a different experience or perspective on. How many times have a read something and thought, wow, things went differently for me! I’m a mom – I have a never ending bank of happenings and stories. I’m married to a paramedic with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Maybe something that I share could help someone else in my position. (Check out my About Me to read about my family!)
  2. I’m technologically savvy. I spent all 4 years of undergrad working in my university’s IT department. Computer stuff & websites come easily to me.
  3. I can try it for a year. Using Bluehost means paying for a year of service. If I try this thing for a year and I don’t get anything from it – fun, joy, income, etc. – I can bow out.
  4. The cost can be considered an investment. If something comes of blogging, the original cost can easily be seen as investing in my own business. I’ve always planned on being an entrepreneur – perhaps this is the way to start.
  5. It might inspire a better schedule. In all honesty, I spend a lot of time when I’m at home on the couch in front of my TV watching cartoons with my kids. Of course, I fold clothes and switch laundry occasionally. Maybe putting a spotlight on my life will help me to get out and do more with my babies or do crafts and activities at home. Is it sad that I need motivation? Maybe. But hey, I do have a full time job right now.
  6. I want to. When it boils down to it, this is the one that matters most to me. Why deny myself something I want to try just because I keep talking myself out of it. If you’re in the same boat – jump in with me! We can do it!

I have prayed about becoming a stay at home mom, but our current bills make that impossible without some kind of other income. My husband is really pushing for me to stay home as well. Right now, his mom babysits while we both work, but my mother in law had health issues that can make it hard on her. Now that we have 2 to look after it seems like the time to take it into our own hands.

Also, have you looked at daycare costs lately?! If you have to pay for daycare, I feel for you! For our family, it would be a struggle paying for childcare or staying home, and I would much rather stay home with my kiddos.

I’ve decided to try and make a go at this, but I will also have a backup plan of freelancing or transcribing. Of course, I will have to have something lined up prior to the end of my maternity leave, or I will have to go back to work until I’ve got some kind of income.

It’s a terrifying thought – not having a steady income. I’ve worked in my current position for nearly 3 years and the only thing I really hate about it is being away from my family while someone else raises my kids. Don’t get me wrong: my mother in law is wonderful! I love that we have someone that we trust spending all day with our babies. But that’s a big part of it – they’re our babies. And yet, I have to rely on someone else to take care of them for a minimum of 44 hours a week. I’m deciding right now to not let finances determine who raises my kids. I’m going to have a little faith in my good friend Jesus Christ and let go.

Have you personally made the transition from working mom to SAHM/ WAHM? I’d love to hear others’ experiences! Did you just jump into it? Was there a lot of planning involved?

I’ve got 3 weeks until the end of my leave as time to figure this thing out. Let’s take a journey to A Speciale Life.

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