Dear Friends,
I’ll be the first to admit it: I thought the whole quarantine thing was a bit over the top. University closings were so not necessary, churches should still be having services, and there is no reason for so many businesses to close down. If only we washed our hands and practiced basic hygiene, the spread would be prevented. Use disinfectant more than usual, wear a mask if you’re elderly or immunocompromised, and don’t touch people unnecessarily. While, in theory, those things might work to prevent the spread, the truth of the matter is that you cannot count on people to do that.
Not all adults wash their hands regularly. Gross? Yes. Part of the problem? Double yes.
How many times have you seen a total stranger leave a public bathroom without washing their hands? Or, have you ever seen someone sneeze into their hands and then touch the countertop at the fast food restaurant you’re in line at? So, yes, if every person would wash their hands frequently and listen to all of the other rules surrounding COVID-19, the spread could likely be prevented without canceling everyday life. However, since numerous adults in this country are unwilling to follow these rules, the quarantine and shut down is the best way to go about preventing the spread of this virus.
Even with so many businesses closed and people out of work, there are still shoppers out and about. I understand – I want life to go back to normal, too. Despite being a stay at home mom, I am missing my escape to the library or park. I no longer am able to take a break from momming at the coffee shop. But normal life is not going to return with so many people ignoring the safety measures that have been put in place.
Remember, I was against turning off life, even temporarily. To some extent, I still am. But I also see the value in following the recommendations to stay home. So, let’s all just do that so we can get back to normal.
Stay home. Binge watch a TV Series. Craft something with your kids. Do a puzzle.
Flatten the curve.