Bible Study: 3 Tips for Remaining Intentional in the Word

In the past, I have not been completely consistent in studying the Bible. There have been long periods of time in which I was great about doing devotionals and my Bible study, but there have also been times where I was not. In my new quest of living an intentional life, I’ve decided to do better at making it a point to study my Bible daily. It isn’t something that I do if I’m not too tired at the end of the day. Bible study isn’t an afterthought or a maybe I should kind of activity. Instead, I am making it a priority. I am studying intentionally every day. The following 3 ways are how I’ve become more intentional in my Bible study.

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1. It’s on my to-do list.

I’m one of those people that has to complete my to-do list. Of course, I prioritize my to-do lists and put minor items on the bottom. On those days I just can’t complete everything, I can put it off. Although Bible study used to be one of those minor items, it is no longer. I’m making it a point to make sure my Bible study is more important than vacuuming or cleaning the bathroom. If I don’t have the time for everything, my family can survive one more day with dog fur on the carpet.

I make it a real point to get my Bible readings done. While most of the time I prefer to do my Bible study with a physical Bible and notebook, sometimes I use my Bible app and the devotionals from YouVersion. The important thing is that I make sure to get my study done every day.

Since changing around the priorities on my to-do list, it has become so much easier to have the time for Bible study. My days have also gotten better. There’s something about spending time in the Word that makes me feel at peace. It’s an intentional action that I’ve come to truly enjoy.

Bible Study

2. A verse of the day can lead to Bible study.

My Bible app provides a daily Bible verse. I also have a calendar that has a verse for every day as well. Although I don’t consider reading two daily verses Bible study, it is a good way to lead into a study. Many times a verse will spark an interest in what’s surrounding it. What was the story before the verse? Who was speaking or being spoken to? Knowing these details help me to apply lessons to my own life.

It’s especially helpful when a verse sticks with me throughout the day. I keep it in mind and try to remember to study it later in the day. It’s been great in adding to my studies.

3. I use my kids’ lessons as my own.

Every Wednesday, I teach a new Bible lesson in our new homeschool preschool. That means Tuesday evening as I prepare for the next day’s lesson, I am doing my own study so that I can determine the best way to explain it to my 3 year old. There are so many Bible stories that I’ve known since childhood, but in learning them again to teach them to my own kids, I’m learning new details and seeing new things that I never saw before.

It’s fun to see how I take these Bible stories in as an adult. Jonah, Noah, and David and Goliath are great Bible stories for kids…but there are also so many lessons to learn as a parent. It’s refreshing to re-learn these stories and apply them to my new life in a new way. Plus, this is a great way to get in a Bible study for moms!

Bible Study

Bible Study as an Intentional Action

Being intentional about doing my Bible study has changed my days – and is changing my life. Although I’ve been a Christian for about 20 years, I am not a perfect person. I fail God regularly – and in the past, one of those failures was going days without cracking my Bible. I feel closer to Him now that I am making a point to spend time in the Word. My faith is stronger and I feel more prepared for the days ahead.

How do you make time for Bible study? Is it one of your intentional acts in daily life? Tell me about it in the comments!

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